Mobile Gadget and accessories

Mobile Gadget and accessories

5 Top-Rated Gaming Mouse You Can Buy Now In 2022

Gaming mouse have changed a lot over time with the goal of achieving a better user experience. Whilst having one doesn’t necessarily increase your gaming skills, it will definitely make a difference. Because of that, many people have even opted to purchase a gaming mouse even for normal productivity usage for their desk setup. This is mainly due to the mouse that is designed ergonomically and the comfort it provides which will often fit prettily...

Mobile Gadget and accessories

5 Best Wireless Earbuds To Buy Now In Malaysia For Under RM1000

We have definitely come a long way from the headphone era to the wireless earbuds most of us carry in our pockets. In pursuit of convenience, portability and long battery life; the design of modern wireless earbuds has evolved alongside the experience we seek. True wireless earbuds boomed only very recently around 2017 to meet consumer’s demands who want to pair the earbuds to their electronic devices for wireless music and audio enjoyment. Some companies...