Sustainable Living with Our Range of Smart Dustbins in Malaysia

Sustainable Living with Our Range of Smart Dustbins in Malaysia
Home appliances

Smart dustbins can be a good choice for home and living as they offer several benefits over traditional dustbins. They come equipped with sensors that can detect when you are approaching the dustbin, and open the lid automatically, allowing you to dispose of your waste without having to touch the bin. This is particularly useful when your hands are full or when you are in a hurry. Some smart dustbins come with additional features such as voice command, app control, and automatic bag replacement, which can make your waste management tasks easier and more efficient. Smart dustbins can help maintain hygiene and cleanliness in your home by minimizing the contact between you and the bin, reducing the risk of spreading germs and bacteria. If you value convenience, hygiene, space-saving, and environmental friendliness, a smart dustbin could be a good choice for your home.

Ninestars Smart Dustbin – Motion Sensor

Sustainable Living with Our Range of Smart Dustbins in Malaysia
This smart dustbin comes with a motion sensor with smart ship control to help with opening and closing of the lid. The sensor range is adjustable to register inputs between 6cm to 30cm. There’s also a button which allows users to keep the lip opened for an extended period of time. The operation of the lid is run by a silent motor with air damping technology which enables the lid to open and close in a slow motion.

Pros of Ninestars Smart Dustbin – Motion Sensor:

  • Adjustable sensor
  • Soft open and close of lid
  • 17 months battery life

Cons of Ninestars Smart Dustbin – Motion Sensor

  • It’s a smaller capacity for a big family and required to be emptied more frequently.

Details of Ninestars Smart Dustbin – Motion Sensor:

Features: smart sensor with programmable sensing distance
Battery: 2X AA batteries; 17 months on alkaline batteries
Size: 24.4 x 19.1 x 34.2 (cm)

Townew T1

Townew T1
This is a dustbin which can take your time off from having to deal with messy and smelly garbage bags. The bin will automatically open for trash deposits and closes itself afterwards. This smart bin uses thermoplastic sealing to seal up full garbage bags and replace it with a new one. The bin runs on a 2,000 mAh battery which gives about 4 weeks of power before requiring a charge.

Pros of Townew T1:

  • Automatically seals full bag and dispense a new bag
  • Durable bag
  • The lid automatically opens and closes

Cons of Townew T1:

  • Have to use bags by the brand

Details of Townew T1:

Features: Self sealing of garbage bags, self changing of garbage bags, rechargeable battery, quiet lid operation
Battery: 2,000 mAh rechargeable; about 4 weeks of use
Size: 24 x 31 x 40 (cm)

Townew T3 Slim

Townew T3 Slim
This trashcan uses the new ASAR 3.0 technology to increase the speed and operating efficiency to provide faster self-sealing and self-changing at a lower power consumption. Other than that, it is very much similar to the T1. However, the slim design of the T3 allows more space efficiency as it can be fit into tighter spots. This new bin is also now water resistant in accordance with IPX3 against splashes of water.

Pros of Townew T3 Slim:

  • Automatically seals full bag and dispense a new bag
  • Water resistant
  • The lid automatically opens and closes

Cons of Townew T3 Slim:

  • Have to use bags by the brand

Details of Townew T3 Slim:

Features: Self sealing of garbage bags, self changing of garbage bags, rechargeable battery, quiet lid operation, waterproof
Battery: 2,000 mAh rechargeable; about 4 weeks of use
Size: 42 × 25.6 × 46.1 (cm)

CCKO MALAYSIA Automatic 360 Sensor Smart Bin

CCKO MALAYSIA Automatic 360 Sensor Smart Bin
This stainless steel built smart bin is made more durable and it comes coated to ensure resistance to rust and corrosion. This bin comes with smart sensors which open up the lid when it senses hand motion, or kicks to the bin. The bin is also waterproof and runs on a rechargeable battery. The smart sensor is adjustable to take in input at 3 levels in order for you to customise how you want the bin to register a command for the lid to open.

Pros of CCKO MALAYSIA Automatic 360 Sensor Smart Bin:

  • Comes in various sizes
  • Water resistant
  • Made with stainless steel for better durability

Details of CCKO MALAYSIA Automatic 360 Sensor Smart Bin:

Features: Rechargeable battery, quiet lid operation, programmable sensor
Battery: Direct charging with USB
Size: 6L, 9L and 12L capacity (square or round shape)

Nakada USB Rechargeable Smart Dustbin

Nakada USB Rechargeable Smart Dustbin
The Nakada Smart Dustbin comes with a storage capacity of 12L and a motion sensor that will open its lid automatically and will close it after 4 seconds. There are 4 ways you can open the lid, either by sensing your hand, pressing the button, knocking on the bin lightly or manually opening the lid with your hand when the power runs out. It can be recharged easily with a USB cable.

Pros of Nakada USB Rechargeable Smart Dustbin:

  • Long standby time
  • 4 ways to open the lid
  • Large 12L capacity

Cons of Nakada USB Rechargeable Smart Dustbin:

  • Uses ABS build material

Details of Nakada USB Rechargeable Smart Dustbin:

Features: Rechargeable battery, quiet lid operation, 4 ways to open lid
Battery: N/A
Size: 12L capacity

Smart dustbins are a promising technology for improving waste management in Malaysia, helping to reduce operational costs, improve efficiency, and minimise the environmental impact of waste disposal. As the technology continues to develop, it is likely that we will see even more innovative solutions for waste management in Malaysia and around the world.

To promote sustainable living and effective waste management, the Malaysian government has implemented various initiatives and programs, and individuals and communities can also take action to reduce their waste footprint. There are some ways that sustainable living and waste management are being promoted in Malaysia which are reduce, reuse, and recycle. The 3Rs are an essential component of waste management in Malaysia. Individuals and households can reduce their waste footprint by practising the 3Rs, such as by avoiding single-use plastic products, using reusable containers and bags, and recycling materials like paper, glass, and plastic.

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